Wednesday 10 April 2013

Hi there.
My holiday was a week long, but it is taking me a bit longer to get back on track ... I would love a life of leisure!
Here is a picture of our churches' Easter cross - it is covered in chicken-wire, and I decorated it with ivy on Saturday. On Sunday everyone filled the whole cross with flowers. It looked magnificent and celebrates the life we have in Jesus!

Afterwards some strong arms carried it outside for all to see.

Some holiday pics from Port Elizabeth, the windy city. (Again taken by phone - not bad, not bad).

Wednesday 20 March 2013

Hi there!
Finally done with my second sock monkey. Note to self: choose socks carefully! These ones had a freakishly long body and short legs :). The scarf makes him look very adventurous, ready to travel.

I made some head bands from an old t-shirt. The directions on plaiting I found on, the directions is clear and awesome. I had to add a pinkish bow and matching button:

And also a rosette with a pin attached at the back, so you can use it as you wish. It looks gorgeous on, I will post a picture with the new owner soon, as we are seeing them tomorrow :). We are going to the coast for a week, how glorious! I've been working through December, so looking forward to a bit of a break.

These photos was taken by phone, still impressed with the quality. Will post once I'm back, I can't wait to take some holiday photos!

Thursday 14 March 2013

petit soire

I'm happy to say that I'm almost finished with my second sock monkey! It doesn't get any easier, but at least it's quite forgiving. I want to add a scarf (to cover the fact that I made the body shorter, it just looked sooo weird!). I will post a photo when he/she is done :) 

I made some tooth pillows for last years' bazaar. I bought these cute little crown buttons, which worked perfectly. Each one is scented, with a small pouch for the tooth (and money).

This is the french tooth mouse version - 'le petite souris' :

I love making small handbags - normally very girly-girl. I don't follow a pattern and will just start cutting, hoping it comes out okay. For the inside I use a nice contrasting material, which is cut just a little smaller than the outside. The ruffles on this one has the cutest elephant pattern on it. I looove material - I can easily spend a whole morning browsing through them - there is just the most gorgeous designs to be found, a lot like scrapbooking paper!

Tuesday 12 March 2013

hearts and monkeys

Handed in my assignments for the graphic design course I'm doing (phew!), so had some time for crafts - jay!!
I made a heart for a friend. I like to do different sides so it can be turned over and added lavender drops on the stuffing.

I also had time to do a sock-monkey :). My first one that I was dying to do after seeing it on (hers is adorable and the pattern so perfect!). I used odd pairs from my husband and the body feels a bit long, but then I realized that the eyes and mouth is a bit too far down the middle, they should be stitched closer to the top (eish!). It's still cute though and this is only a sample, we will be doing a needlecraft - workshop in April for our church fair later this year. (This photo was taken with my Samsung note, I must say I'm impressed.)

He is so cute and funny, just begging for a name ...

Wednesday 6 March 2013

card design

I love designing cards, tags and posters from photos I take. I don't like an over-photoshopped photo, but in card design it works. Here is a few samples:

And by hubbies motto:

meaning: the beauty of doing nothing!
Love this old style bicycle! I saw one in blue and cream - perfect for photoshoots, (not too sure about driving around in it, but it might just inspire me to be more active!)
Found a picture on - absolutely gorgeous:
Just don't start browsing, they're all trying to be cooler than the first!

Monday 4 March 2013


Hi there,

This is a photo I took over the weekend. To get this effect simply go to filter - sketch - note paper and adjust the balance (using Photoshop). Try this with the other options as well, the stamp and torn edges filter can have good effects depending on the photo and background in the photo. Also note the color that you start with, which is normally black and white. If you change the color, it also changes the effect you get.

It can also work on scriptures very nicely, especially if you increase the grain - like this:

The script used here is Bickham, which has an open-type option. This means that you can change the artistic effect - on the character window click on the little down button and alter as you wish, the whole thing or letter for letter - so cool!
Happy photoshopping! [think there must be a word like this, I just used it twice :)]

Saturday 2 March 2013


Oh, my first blog, this is so cool :)

Adding a photo of my little girls' first ballet concert, isn't she just adorable? Little bumble bee!

I am busy with an online graphic design course, and should be busy drawing and practicing on Illustrator. Instead I'm sitting here - obviously procrastination extraordinaire! Anyway... it is a bit late, 11:11pm, time to go to bed.
Quote of the day: 'Every blade of grass has its' angel that bends over it & whispers: grow, grow...' - the talmud
Sweet dreams!